RECENT CHANGES ON ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET’S VOLATILITY IN THE FRAMEWORK OF A COMPONENT GARCH MODEL Dima Bogda , Professor PhD West University from Timisoara Pirtea Marilen, Professor PhD West University from Timisoara Murgea Aurora, Lecturer PhD West University from Timisoara Mura Petru Ovidiu, PhD student West University from Timisoara ABSTRACT: The Romanian capital market was receiving the shock waves of the financial crisis starting with August 2007. The volatility of its evolutions was corresponding modified as a response to an increased uncertainty trading environment. The objective of this paper is to provide some empirical evidences for a more detailed analysis of these changes by employing a „Component GARCH” model. The main output consists in the finding that both long-run and short-run components of the volatility were affected by structural changes. Key words: Romanian capital market, financial crisis, Component GARCH, long-run volatility, short- run volatility JEL codes: G10,G15