INTERNAL AUDIT FOR FINANCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES – ASSURANCE FOR ADEQUATE SUPERVISING OF CORPORATE GOVERNENCE PRINCIPLES Tatiana Dănescu, Professor PhD „Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureş, Ovidiu Spătăcean, Lecturer PhD Student „Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureş ABSTRACT: In the risk assessment process, financial auditors often rely on internal auditors when establishing the control risk level. Therefore, adequate internal audit function, as part of a solid corporate governance is a factor of lowering control risk, when assessing audit risks for Financial Investment Companies. The paper intends to approach issues related to internal audit as a relevant source of added value for listed companies and the main objectives related to internal audit engagements for Financial Investment Companies. The authors are trying to answer how internal audit contributes in an effective manner in the process of supervising corporate governance principles that Financial Investment Companies as listed companies, must comply with. Keywords: investment companies, corporate governance structures, internal control, management policies, tests and procedures JEL Codes: M42