INFORMATION SOCIETY: NEW CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Crina Malcoci, Lecturer PhD Student „Alecu Russo” University of Bălţi, Faculty of Economics Raul Felix Hodoş, Teaching Assistant PhD Student „Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureş, Faculty of Economics, Law and Administrative Sciences ABSTRACT: The overall aim of this study is to identify the strengths and the opportunities, the weaknesses and the threats of information society that could enable the national and the international economies to achieve continuous improvement of quality of life both for current and future generations, through the creation of sustainable communities able to manage resources efficiently and to tap the ecological and social innovation potential of the economy, ensuring prosperity, environmental protection, social cohesion and cultural diversity. The authors of this paper mean to harness the vast potential of ICTs to achieve the sustainable development aspirations, but also to pay attention to the limits of information society’s extending. Recognizing the importance of ICT as valuable assets for economic growth and development, world leaders should align their efforts towards building a development- oriented information society. Cuvinte cheie: sustainable development, e-commerce, e-government, cultural diversity Coduri JEL: K32, K39, O11, O52, Q01, Q55, Q56