THE IMAGE OF COMPANY, ESSENTIAL FACTOR IN DEVELOPING THE MARKET STRATEGIES Florin Radu Pintea, Lecturer PhD Student “Bogdan University” of Cluj – Napoca, Romania Janetta Sîrbu, Associate Professor PhD “Bogdan University”of Cluj – Napoca, Romania Boris Samochis, Professor PhD „ Bogdan Voda” University, Cluj-Napoca ABSTRACT: The project has been done in order to proove the importance of the image inside a large company. Thus I analysed the image of Electrolux company in order to show how important is the invisible part of a big company, regarding the market and the marketing strategies. The questionnaire was made of 14 questions and there were 400 people who had to answer. During the research I used mathematics methods such as Fischbein and Hi2 method. The main purpose of a marketing research is the analyse of the numbers and factors, the essential keys that guide the company to a real marketing strategy. Analysing the dates there are some ideas that should be taken in consideration in order to build a stronger image of the company on the market, ideas that I detailed within the project. Keywords: company, questionnaire, marketing strategies, marketing research JEL Codes: M31