THE POSSIBILITY OF TEACHING OPERATIONAL RESEARCH IN THE TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY SECTION László Papp, University of Pecs, Hungary ABSTRACT: The operational research is a so actual task, which is a binary, lineal inequality system, figures in the lecture onto its solution can be leaded back. In the article from among the solution methods three act: the simplex-method, the graphical solution, and the Excel spreadsheet Solver complement problem solving happening to its help. From among the solution manners the simplex method and the Excel the usage of spreadsheet Solver complement on the case of more of his changing uses applicable. The Excel the usage of spreadsheet Solver complement the thorough cognition of the first two methods and appears useful because we may manage to get quickly onto a result with its help after its drilling, and we may devote the time released to the analysis of the solution of the task and the interpretation of the meanings offered by Solver. (For the lecture this latter – analyses, interpretations – not its aim.) Keywords: operational research, analyses, simplex method, Solver JEL Codes:M1, D21, D83, D9