FROM THE PRIMACY OF PRODUCTION TO THAT OF THE MARKET - A TENDENCY IN THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING AT THE LEVEL OF ORGANIZATION Adriana Ionescu, Junior Teaching Assistant „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University of Constanţa ABSTRACT: Marketing offers each organization means of action which have already been tested in practice in the view of taking decisions regarding the market and the client. Marketing is a branch of the science of the organization and running an enterprise, which is based on knowledge of organization and running an enterprise, of macroeconomics, of psychology and of sociology. Marketing functions in an organization, independent of the existence of a department of marketing, and it is a way of thinking that generates various orientations. Nowadays, in most companies, marketing fulfills a leading function, being perceived as a management market/oriented which is in a functional rapport with the management of the organization. Keywords: primacy of production, primacy of selling, primacy of market JEL Codes: M31