CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE TIME OF FINANCIAL CRISIS: EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY Yakup Selvi, Istanbul University Eva Wagner, Johannes Kepler University Ahmet Türel, Istanbul University ABSTRACT:Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been an important global issue all over the world. Proponents of CSR claim that it has lots of benefits for the company such as good reputation; on the other hand opponents claim that CSR can not protect a firm from financial harm in times of crisis. The objective of this paper is to conceptually examine the CSR, benefits of implementing CSR, and CSR activities in the time of financial crisis. In addition, a research was conducted to explore the impact of CSR on company reputation in Turkey by comparing the relationship between our CSR and reputation measures before and after the financial crisis. The evidence gathered shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between these two variables in both before financial crisis era and financial crisis era. However, the correlation between these two variables has not increased significantly between the two periods investigated. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Reputation, Financial Crisis JEL codes: M14