THE EVOLUTION OF CONFLICT AS A BEHAVIOR PROCESS WITHIN GLOBAL ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT Elida-Tomiţa Todăriţă, Romanian-German University of Sibiu ABSTRACT: Nowadays, organizations are designed so that it can carry out their various activities necessary to face the uncertainty surrounding each of them. The consequences of these actions are reflected in differences between departments and a greater potential for the development and manifestation of conflict. When differentiation is coupled to a great extent with interdependence, the potential for conflict increases significantly. Also, always be considered in settling conflicts that often occur spontaneously but the most important thing in an organization is to avoid any activity or intentions which is to generate a possible conflict. In this paper, will present the theoretical aspects regarding the conflict, classification, patterns of events and also the tactics and strategies used to manage conflicts that may arise within an organization. In the end, will be dotted and conclusions regarding this approach.. Key words: conflict, conflict resolution, conflict in the organization, conflict management. JEL codes: M12