NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YOUNG ECONOMISTS Sorin-Ciprian Teiuşan, „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia Ioana Călean, „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia ABSTRACT: The publishing of a specialised paper, no matter the category and dimensions, represents a real challenge on the research way, moreover as the target is not only the receiving of the accept for publication, but also the use of the conclusions for the fundament of the future investigations. The results of the research which constitute the object of the publications are interdependent of the preocupations and the interest domains of research, and solidary with the age and experience obtained by this way. Thus, every reseacher in the economical domain, and especially the young economists, have to proceed to the identification at the regional, national and even international journals which publish economical research for the accomplishment of the proposed conclusions. The organised, structured, presentation, on recognised and ordered aphabetically categories of the scientifical journals from the economical domain, will mean a support given to the economists interested in the disemination of the obtained results in the realised research. In this way, it will be possible an easier identification of the destination which correspond to the articles and papers realised by the researchers from the economical area. Key words: CNCSIS/CNCS; economics; research; researchers; results; scientifical journals. JEL Codes: A10, A30