THE ROMANIAN AGRICULTURE – BETWEEN MYTH AND REALITY Cristian - Marian Barbu, „Artifex” University of Bucharest ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the performance of the Romanian agriculture as against the EU agriculture from a historic perspective in order to reveal the gaps and to demythologize the assertion saying that „Romania has been Europe’s most productive cereal-producing agriculture”. The findings resulted from the survey based on data provided by Eurostat - the Statistics of the European Commission, by national statistics and various national and international publications show that the Romanian agriculture has been, in its historical evolution, in a European marginal zone from the point of view of economic performance and has not been able to ensure food security and increased export of value added agricultural products, while the global demand is much higher than the supply and some EU countries have reached their maximal productivity. Key words: performance, gaps, trade, most productive cereal-producing agriculture, vegetal agricultural production JEL Codes: N50, O13, Q10