ROMANIAN HIGHER EDUCATION REFORM AND ADAPTATION BETWEEN THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Viorica Ştefan, Valahia University of Targoviste Mariana Chivu, Valahia University of Targoviste ABSTRACT: In today's society, characterized by a continuous process of globalization and knowledge-based economy, intellectual property is the central resource that creates the real value in all sectors of economic life. In this context, higher education's mission is to provide the highest quality standard representing a main actor in providing highly skilled workforce and creating knowledge. Thus, we say that to meet the new challenges that universities is need to go through the stages of a process of reform and adaptation, in line with the Lisbon Strategy. Consequently, our approach is to put in the foreground the need to create a new system of higher education to meet the new demands of society. Keywords: higher education quality reform, knowledge management education. JEL:I23