USAGE OF THE ONLINE BY THE YOUNG INDIVIDUALS AND YOUNG ADULTS. A CASE STUDY OF THE ROMANIAN INTERNET USAGE Mircea FUCIU Luigi DUMITRESCU Abstract: The development of information and communication technologies are changing the world we live in, by changing the manner in which we communicate, interact with one and other and how we buy products and services. The current papers aimed to underline the profile of the young individuals (up to 25 years old) and young adults (25 to 34 years old) Internet users, in terms of frequency, device used, and aspects related to online consumer behaviour. The first section of the paper underlines the aspects related the literature review, regarding the evolution of the society in relation to the usage of information and communication technology form the end of the second world war (the baby boomers) to the present (Millennials and the Net Generation). The second part of the paper is presenting the results of a secondary data analysis regarding the usage of the online environment and the consumer behaviour by Romanian individuals to the age of 34 years old. We underlined aspects related to pre-purchase online behaviour, post purchase online behaviour, search information behaviour, and device use in an online environment. All this was don within the limits offered by the results obtained by the online analysis platform. Keywords: consumers, internet, marketing, communication, purchase JEL classification codes: M30, M31