DEZVOLTAREA DURABILA: PRINCIPALELE REZULTATE OBTINUTE / SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: MAIN OBTAINED RESULTS Prep. univ. Lazar Paula - Academia de Studii Economice – Bucuresti, e-mail: Abstract: This report aims to offer a general analysis of the sustainable development between 2001 and 2005, through the eyes of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). During this period of time the OECD policies had been centered upon the main indicators of the sustainable development: environment, economy and society. All of the divers activities that the OECD had made had aimed at the connections between the environment and the economy, on one hand, and the connections between the economy and the society, on the other hand. This is why, in this report, the author will present these “interfaces” of the sustainable development. Keywords: sustainable development, environment, economy, society JEL codes: Q01, Q56