ADERAREA ROMÂNIEI LA UNIUNEA EUROPEANA: CÂSTIGATORI SI PERDANTI / ROMANIA ADHERATION TO THE EUROPEAN UNION: WINNERS AND LOSERS Lect. univ. dr. Radulescu Magdalena - Universitatea din Pitesti, e-mail : Lect. univ. dr. Pîrvu Daniela - Universitatea din Pitesti, e-mail: Abstract: For many years, some politicians of the European Union and leaders from the western countries have debated over the advantages and costs of the European Union’s enlargement. The problems that have been debated are: the large migration of the labor force, the competition of some countries with a well-trained human capital and low salary costs, the migration of some foreign enterprises in the Central and Eastern European area, the competition regarding the agriculture and last, but not least, the burden of the accession of some poorer countries over the federal budget of the E.U. The paper presents the benefits and the costs of the Romanian accession both in the economic area (industry and agriculture) and in the social area as well. Keywords: European Union’s enlargement, benefit, cost JEL codes: F15, F20