SPECIFICUL DECONTARILOR INTERBANCARE NATIONALE ÎN CADRUL SISTEMULUI ELECTRONIC DE PLATI / SPECIFICITIES OF INTERBANK SETTLEMENT IN THE NATIONAL SYSTEM FOR ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS Lect. univ. dr. Socol Adela – Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia, e-mail: adelasocol@yahoo.com Lect. univ. dr. Codruta Fat – Universitatea „Babes-Bolyai” Cluj Napoca, e-mail: codrutafat@yahoo.com Abstract: The paper presents from the past until present the situation of the inter-banking payment systems from Romania, with the critical aspect of the transforming procedural stages in the period that followed the centralized economy, the post communist period. It is presented the present stage and developing opportunities for a National System of Electronic Payments, a modern and suitable system for the requirements of the European Union, Romania following to be a member from January 1st 2007. The elements of the Romanian electronic Gross Interbank Settlement – ReGIS, SENT (Electronic System of the Payments) and SaFIR (Recording the Financial Instruments Operations System) – are described considering the operational approach and the advantages of the eliminating physical circuit of the payment instruments, by realizing the electronic transfer of the funds. Keywords: inter-banking payment system, payment instruments, electronic transfer JEL code: G21