Elements of analysis of the insurance market in Romania Lect. univ. dr. Dan DĂNULEŢIU, Universitatea „1 DECEMBRIE 1918” Alba Iulia Asist. Univ. drd. Adina DĂNULEŢIU, Universitatea „1 DECEMBRIE 1918” Alba Iulia Abstract: The paper investigates the evolution of Romanian insurance market in period 1997-2005 and highlights trends that characterize it. Insurance market entails meeting the demand for insurance, whose carriers are people natural and legal wishing to enter various types of insurance, to offer insurance, whose representatives of specialized organizations are authorized to work in this field and able to conduct, in financial terms, such an activity. The appreciation of insurance market can be achieved through the presentation of quantitative indicators, reflecting the importance of the insurance sector in the national economy and of qualitative indicators. Key words: insurance market, insurance demand, insurance offer JEL Code: G22