The role of National Agency for Labour Ocuupation – considering the integration into the structures of European Union Asistent univ. drd. ec. Ileana Georgiana Gheorghe Catedra de Management - Marketing a U.P.G Ploieşti e-mail: Abstract: The main objectifs of the Employment National Agency are: to apply the strategies in the employment and vocational training domain; to implement specific social measures meant to protect the unemployed individuals. NALO ensure free services, employment and training people in finding a job or to economic entities, services such as information and professional advice, training advice, mediation services and assistance to start a business, supplementing income wage employees, to stimulate labor mobility, fixing and payment of social security rights, subsidizing employment, provision of credit conditions favorable for the creation of new jobs, selection of candidates to be employed, pre-dismissal services. Key words: labor demand, labor supply, employment JEL Code: F16, J22, J23