NATURAL CALAMITIES IN AGRICULTURE AND THEIR INSURABILITY IN ROMANIA Assistant PhD Student Sorin Ciprian Teiuşan, Associate Professor Ph.D. Adela Socol, Associate Professor Ph.D. Iulia Iuga, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia Abstract: The paper explains how are interpreting the natural calamities in the acceptation of Romanian authorities. It describes the agricultural policies in Romania, concerning the agricultural insurance. It emphasizes that the agricultural producers that insure their agricultural culture, animals, fowls, bees and fish at the granted insurance companies, in the natural calamities situation, are sustained by State. In the end, the paper describes the typology of agricultural insurance active in Romania, the companies which are implied in this field of activity and their importance in the agriculture insurance market. Keywords: calamity, insurance, agricultural insurance JEL codes: G22, Q14,