ACCOUNTING POLITICS IN CONTEXT OF ANNUAL ACCOUNTS Associate Professor PhD Cernusca Lucian University „Aurel Vlaicu” of Arad, Professor PhD Mates Dorel, West University of Timisoara Abstract: Today, world accounting is undergoing a great reconciliation process, mostly determined by the globalization phenomena of financial markets and economy. Romanian accountancy couldn’t remain indifferent to the challenges that word accounting is facing due to accentuation of globalization phenomena. Romania made no exception when its economy was globalised and aligned with the European one. The period after December 1989 we witnessed two phases of the Romanian accounting system reform. The first phase was a slow one, but with spasms due to conflict between generations: innovators and conservators, pro-west and nostalgic of “the socialist society multilateral developed”, pro-continental and pro-Anglo-Saxons. Key words: accountancy, accounting politics, annual accounts. Jel codes: M41, A19. 1