NEW FIRM CREATION-AN IMPORTANT RESEARCH STREAM EMERGE OF THE UNIVERSITY ENTREPRENEURSHIP Associated Professor Szabo Zsuzsanna Phd, Petru Maior University, Tg.-Mures, Lecturer Daniela Ştefanescu phd, Petru Maior University, Tg.-Mures, Abstract: New firm creation seems to be one of the instruments available for university entrepreneurship which the recent literature expose the most understanding. In order to measure the university entrepreneurship, it should be taken into account the number of new firms created. Nowadays, the necessity to transform the universities in entrepreneurial one became a phenomenon all around the world, especially in developed countries. It is well recognized the necessity to adapt universities to the demands of a global, knowledge-based economy. Thus, the universities could become stronger players in the global knowledge society and economy. The phenomenon importance is well reflected on the literature, based on the increasing number of articles related to it. We also focused the connection between the university entrepreneurship and its significant contribution in promoting smes. The principal research question of this paper is to determine the current situation in united states, europe and the special case of Romania. Key words:new firm, university entrepreneurship, knowledge economy, knowledge society JEL code: M13